June 12, 2002
When in the Course Of Human Events : Why golf is the quintessential American sport. (THOMAS J. BRAY, June 11, 2002, Wall Street Journal)[Golf] has long been an avid pastime of not just the rich and famous but the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. That's because, as the late economist Armen Alchian, an ardent golfer, liked to point out, golf is one of the most democratic--and capitalist--of games. Thanks to handicapping, everybody is equal on a golf course...
What the heck has happened to the Wall Street Journal editorial page that they'd let one like that slip by? You may as well just come out and endorse affirmative action and racial quotas--which after all just level the playing field. Handicaps democratic? You can just see Thomas Jefferson twirling his quill pen : "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal--or if they aren't, the USGA can fix that for them--..." What a bunch of Franco-egalitarian twaddle. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 12, 2002 11:28 PM