June 24, 2002


Hans, Franz & W. (MAUREEN DOWD, June 23, 2002, NY Times)
What this president desperately needs is a few more geeky, scholarly analysts with thick glasses and shameful physiques, poring over memos and intelligence feeds at the C.I.A., F.B.I. and N.S.A.

Toned bodies are well and good. But how about some toned minds?

One of the less endearing but persistent errors of the Left is their continuing faith in the repeatedly disproven notion that human problems will yield to reason and that if only we let the eggheads have their way we'd all be fat and happy. One wonders if Ms Dowd--who actually seems in this column to be criticizing the President for exercisin-- has ever read The Best and the Brightest, which depicts what happens when you turn over the making of national policy to a bunch of intellectuals. If she had, she probably wouldn't be wishing that George W. Bush were more like Bill Clinton. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 24, 2002 9:48 PM
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