May 26, 2002


Persistence wins the fight (Tom Wheeler, 05/23/2002, USA Today)
A surprise attack--not on Sept. 11, but during the Civil War--underscores the challenges today for both our leaders and individual Americans as the United States awaits another terrorist assault.

The 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville began with Union Gen. Joseph Hooker's brilliantly devised and executed surprise attack on Confederates under Robert E. Lee. The Rebels suddenly found themselves squeezed between Union troops at their front and rear. Traditional military teaching advised that Lee retreat and regroup. But Lee did just the opposite: He attacked the Union troops.

America's 21st century experience with terrorists has so far tracked the Hooker-Lee metaphor.

Fortunately we're the Union, inevitably unbeatable in this conflict. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 26, 2002 6:08 PM
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