August 11, 2023
Bad Ideas Have Bad Consequences (Joseph Pearce, August 10th, 2023, Imaginative Conservative)
At the heart of the Enlightenment was the egocentrism of René Descartes' "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), which placed the individual at the centre of a subjective microcosmos, in which the deified self knows nothing with any certainty but his own thoughts. It is a very short leap from this entrapped perspective, bereft of any contact with the outside world of objective verity, to the belief that I can reinvent myself in my own image. In this light, or darkness, we can see Cartesianism as the progenitor of transsexualism and transhumanism.At the other end of the Enlightenment spectrum from the idealism of René Descartes is Thomas Hobbes who reduced all existence to mere matter. "All that exists is body," Hobbes insisted, "all that occurs motion". Such philosophical materialism gave rise to the historical determination of Karl Marx, whose ideas have led to the slaughter of tens of millions of people. Yes indeed. There's no doubt about it. Ideas have consequences and bad ideas have bad consequences.Although Descartes, Hobbes and Marx will be well-known to most vaguely informed people, another major influence on modern thought and culture, somewhat less known, is Auguste Comte. In his book, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, Henri de Lubac devotes considerably more space to Comte than he does to the other three central figures on whom he focuses as being central to the rise of atheism and its godless consequences. De Lubac discusses the ideas of Feuerbach, Marx and Nietzsche in the first part of his book but devotes the whole of the second part to Comte.The impact of Comte on his own age was summarized by the French philosopher, Émile Saisset: "Herr Feuerbach in Berlin, like Monsieur Comte in Paris, offers Christian Europe a new god to worship - the human race." This divinizing of humanity as the one abstract Being, which all individuals must serve, was Comte's life mission. By the end of the nineteenth century, he had been so successful that Lucien Lévy-Brühl could write that "the positive spirit", which Comte had done more than anyone else to isolate and define, was "so closely interfused with the general thought" of the age that it had become almost unnoticeable and yet ubiquitous, "like the air one breathes".De Lubac connects Comte's positivism as "the ally of the Marxist and Nietzschean currents" insofar as it has the same ultimate goal: "Like them, it is one of the ways in which modern man seeks to escape from any kind of transcendency and to shake off the thing it regards as an unbearable yoke - namely, faith in God."
Thank the blessed Hume we always understood you can't escape faith.
Posted by Orrin Judd at August 11, 2023 8:48 AM