April 13, 2023
Two studies make a strong case for nuclear power: less pollution, smaller footprint. (Prachi Patel, April 13, 2023, Anthropocene)
Two new studies now present a strong case for nuclear. Air pollution would increase if nuclear plants in the U.S. are shut down, as coal and natural gas plants would step up to fill the gap, according to one study published in Nature Energy. This would result in an additional 5,200 deaths in just one year. The other study, in Scientific Reports, finds that nuclear is the winner in terms of land use and related environmental impact compared to other carbon-free energy sources.There are about 440 nuclear reactors around the world today providing 10 percent of the world's electricity, according to the World Nuclear Association. In the U.S. that share is 20 percent. France, meanwhile, relies on nuclear for almost 70 percent of its electricity, and others like Belgium and Slovakia get about half from nuclear.While it faces contention in many countries, nuclear is still the second-largest source of carbon-free electricity after hydropower. And even though solar and wind are racing to replace fossil fuels, nuclear power plants are easier to tie into the power grid.
In a war that has been one self-own after another, perhaps Vlad's greatest accomplishment has been making nuclear politically viable. Exploit the moment.
Posted by Orrin Judd at April 13, 2023 8:27 AM