March 10, 2022
Babies in high air pollution areas 25% more likely to have low birth weight - study (NATHAN JEFFAY, 3/10/22, Times of Israel)
Babies have a 25 percent higher chance of low birth weight if they are born in areas with high air pollution, an Israeli study has found.Authors say the research, based on just over 381,000 births over 11 years, gives a rare glimpse into the effects of pollution on fetuses, and may well be a barometer of other health impacts.
Lead Exposure May Have Lowered The IQ of Half of Americans Since 1940 (CARLY CASSELLA, 10 MARCH 2022, Science Alert)
When you believe that any cost is worth bearing to oppose the Greens you're anti-human.Childhood lead exposure in the United States is ubiquitous and much more concerning than previous estimates have suggested, according to a new study.When researchers analyzed leaded gas use from 1940 and combined it with data on blood-lead levels from the mid 1970s, they found more than 54 percent of Americans alive in 2015 had been exposed to dangerous levels of lead as children.That's more than 170 million adults who are now at greater risk of neurodegenerative disease, mental illness and cardiovascular issues, because of the lead they breathed in, ingested or absorbed as kids.No level of lead exposure is safe at any point in a person's life, but this highly toxic metal can be especially detrimental for children as it can impede brain development, leading to permanent learning difficulties and behavioral issues.Altogether, researchers estimate leaded gas has reduced the nation's cumulative IQ score by 824 million points, which is nearly three points per person.
Posted by Orrin Judd at March 10, 2022 7:50 AM