February 2, 2022
Putin's Ukraine Quagmire (RICHARD HAASS, 2/02/22, Project Syndicate)
[W]hile Putin manufactured the Ukraine crisis believing he held a clear advantage vis-à-vis the West, he committed an error that can prove dangerous even for a skilled martial-arts practitioner: he underestimated his opponent.While Biden and NATO have said they will not intervene directly on behalf of Ukraine, this is not the same as accepting Russian dominance. In fact, the US has organized a comprehensive response. It has sent arms to Ukraine to increase the costs to Russia of any invasion and occupation. There are plans to fortify NATO member countries closest to Russia. Substantial economic sanctions are being prepared. And rerouting gas to Europe would partly offset the possible loss of Russian supplies.All of which is to say that Putin's initial thrust failed to score a decisive blow. Those who say that Russia's president has the West where he wants it have things backwards. Putin has placed himself in an unenviable position: he must either escalate or find a face-saving way to back down.
Rather than an off ramp we need to be making additional demands.
Posted by Orrin Judd at February 2, 2022 12:51 PM