December 11, 2020
Young Ravens Rival Adult Chimps in a Big Test of General Intelligence (Rachel Nuwer on December 10, 2020,Scientific American) Scientists and casual observers alike have known for years that ravens and their corvid relatives are extremely smart. But most studies use single experiments that provide a limited view of their overall intelligence. "Quite often, in single tasks, you're just testing whether the bird can understand that you're hiding something," says Simone Pika, a cognitive scientist at Osnabrück University in Germany. A new study that that tries to address that deficit provides some of the best proof yet that ravens, including young birds of just four months of age, have certain types of smarts that are on par with those of adult great apes.The brainy birds performed just as well as chimpanzees and orangutans across a broad array of tasks designed to measure intelligence. "We now have very strong evidence to say that, at least in the tasks we used, ravens are very similar to great apes," says Pika, lead author of the study. "Across a whole spectrum of cognitive skills, their intelligence is really quite amazing." The findings, published in Scientific Reports, add to a growing body of evidence indicating that impressive cognitive skills are not solely the domain of primates but occur in certain species across the animal kingdom.
Posted by Orrin Judd at December 11, 2020 10:11 AM