June 16, 2018
Editorial Cartoonist Fired for Skewering Trump. He Likely Won't Be the Last (Ann Telnaes, 6/16/18, The Washington Post)
[W]ith the firing of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist Rob Rogers, we now see that suppressing a free press can be accomplished without an authoritarian president's orders. Michael Cohen isn't the only "fixer" Trump has at his disposal.Rogers has been the editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for more than 25 years. Most working cartoonists have had an occasional idea spiked by his or her editor. But in the past few weeks, editorial director Keith Burris and publisher John Robinson Block have refused to publish six of Rogers's cartoons, all criticizing Trump or his policies. Block and Burris have also rejected many of Rogers' rough sketch ideas for several months.
Left/Right have no capacity to laugh at themselves for ideological reasons.
Posted by Orrin Judd at June 16, 2018 9:17 AM