February 15, 2018


Steven Pinker: Identity Politics Is 'An Enemy of Reason and Enlightenment Values': A conversation with the renowned psychologist on reason, identity politics, and humanism. Plus, what does he think Trump should read? (ADAM RUBENSTEIN, 2/15/18, Weekly Standard)
Renowned professor of psychology at Harvard and a prolific writer, Steven Pinker is the author of several prize-winning books, including The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works, The Blank Slate, and The Better Angels of Our Nature. This week Pinker releases a new book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. I [...] chatted over email with Professor Pinker and asked him some questions on his new book and contemporary politics. [...]

AR: There is, as you recognize a "liberal tilt" in academia. And you write about it: "Non-leftist speakers are frequently disinvited after protests or drowned out by jeering mobs," and "anyone who disagrees with the assumption that racism is the cause of all problems is called a racist." How high are the stakes in universities? Should we worry?

SP: Yes, for three reasons. One is that scholars can't hope to understand the world (particularly the social world) if some hypotheses are given a free pass and others are unmentionable. As John Stuart Mill noted, "He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." In The Blank Slate I argued that leftist politics had distorted the study of human nature, including sex, violence, gender, childrearing, personality, and intelligence. The second is that people who suddenly discover forbidden facts outside the crucible of reasoned debate (which is what universities should be) can take them to dangerous conclusions, such as that differences between the sexes imply that we should discriminate against women (this kind of fallacy has fueled the alt-right movement). The third problem is that illiberal antics of the hard left are discrediting the rest of academia, including the large swaths of moderates and open-minded scholars who keep their politics out of their research. (Despite the highly publicized follies of academia, it's still a more disinterested forum than alternatives like the Twittersphere, Congress, or ideologically branded think tanks.) In particular, many right-wingers tell each other that the near-consensus among scientists on human-caused climate change is a conspiracy among politically correct academics who are committed to a government takeover of the economy. This is sheer nonsense, but it can gain traction when the noisiest voices in the academy are the repressive fanatics.

Posted by at February 15, 2018 3:40 AM