December 29, 2016
5 Pieces of News That Show Global Warming Still Isn't Happening The Way Leftists Say (AARON BANDLER, DECEMBER 29, 2016, Daily Wire)
4. There were 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers in 2016 that concluded there was not wide-scale global warming. In fact, the papers showed that there was more of a cooling trend than a warming trend, and in places where there was warming, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. The scientific literature has been compiled here.5. The weather trends don't indicate that anything severe is occurring. The Fabius Maximus blog has compiled a list of these trends that include:No upswing in hurricanes.Slow increase of ocean heat content since 1970.Global surface temperatures being relatively flat for 13 years.Lower troposphere temperatures based on satellite data.The evidence simply does not support the global warming alarmist's contention that rising temperatures are going to lead to disaster for the planet.
Posted by Orrin Judd at December 29, 2016 8:21 AM