September 15, 2016
New data contradicts the worst fears of Obamacare critics (Ethan Wolff-Mann, September 14, 2016, Yahoo!)
The study mostly details the changing landscape of how Americans are paying for health care, noting that premiums are rising more slowly, but deductibles are spiking. However, the survey also appeared to refute some main criticisms of Obamacare.In the conference call discussing the results, HRET CEO Ken Anderson stressed two big findings that contradict criticism of Obamacare. That includes an argument by Carl's Jr. CEO Andy Puzder, who wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed in January saying, "Obamacare has caused millions of full-time jobs to become part-time."In fact, the opposite happened: A whopping 7% of employers with more than 50 employees actually gave part-timers full-time jobs since Obamacare was officially launched in 2013. Only 2% of employers cut full-timers to part-time. However, it's important to note this full-time surge came amid other gains for American workers in 2015, as noted by a recent Census report.And as for rising health care premiums? Well, they actually increased less than they have in ages, in part thanks to high-deductible plans that give employees more "skin in the game," as Altman noted, transferring the burden off employers.
That's an especially bad "but" there.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 15, 2016 3:59 PM