May 23, 2016
Syrians are lining up to fight ISIS (Ben Rosen, Staff MAY 23, 2016, CS Monitor)
With the number of Syrian volunteers to fight the Islamic State militant group surging, Americans training them are becoming increasingly optimistic that a Kurdish and Arab army can defeat ISIS simply by outnumbering it.Following victories against the Islamic State, including the recapture of al-Shaddadah in northeast Syria, the number of Arabs who have volunteered to fight this spring has outpaced American military advisers' capacity to train them. This growth plays into a US strategy that a volunteer army larger than ISIS's can conquer the Islamic State's self-declared capital of Raqqa in Syria, further weakening it there and in Iraq.News of this groundswell of volunteers could foreshadow the decline of ISIS in Syria and Iraq as well, as Kurds and other ethnic groups form militias to rid their homes of the Islamic State...
All against the Salafi.
Posted by Orrin Judd at May 23, 2016 6:45 PM