March 22, 2016
Cubans jubilant over Obama's call for democracy (AP, Mar. 22, 2016)
Juan Francisco Ugarte Oliva, a 71-year-old retired refrigeration technician, called Obama's address "a jewel." Ugarte says the American president "dared to say in the presence of the leaders, of Raul Castro, that (Cubans) had the right to protest peacefully without being beaten or arrested."Barbara Ugarte, a 45-year-old gift shop owner, says she agreed with everything Obama said. She says Cubans "need democracy, freedom of expression."Cubans expressed a startling degree of openness and anger directed at their own leaders.Anabel Rodriguez, a housewife, says the speech was "very correct." She praised Obama for speaking about human rights, saying what you think and choosing your own president, "not those that they impose on you."
Posted by Orrin Judd at March 22, 2016 1:55 PM