November 16, 2015
More Red States Open Door to Obamacare (Jonathan Bernstein, 11/16/15, Blloomberg View)
Second, incoming Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin, a Tea Party stalwart who ran against Obamacare, is talking about negotiating a deal with the federal government over changing Medicaid expansion, rather than simply ending it.And a surprising one: Alabama, with a solidly Republican state government, is reportedly reconsidering its opposition to the expansion.None of these results are certain yet. But they follow the general pattern. States with Democrats in charge accept the program. States with Republicans in charge have mixed records of adopting it. But once a state goes along with Medicaid expansion, it doesn't go back on it even if a strongly conservative Republican is elected governor.That means Medicaid expansion remains a one-way street, and eventually all 50 states will accept it. We're already up to 30 states with Montana's recent agreement to sign up.
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 16, 2015 6:58 PM