November 15, 2013
Tiananmen crash: Terrorism or cry of desperation? (Sean R. Roberts, 10/31/13, CNN)
Life for Uyghurs inside Xinjiang is not like that of most people in the People's Republic of China (PRC).For the last decade, the Chinese government has created a virtual police state within Xinjiang, employing enhanced surveillance of Uyghur citizens, actively repressing Uyghurs' political voices, and greatly curtailing Uyghur religious practices.It has also vastly reduced Uyghurs' access to education in their own language and has limited Uyghur language publications of original reading materials.Officially, the Chinese state explains most of these measures as part of its anti-terrorism measures to protect national security.These measures also regularly include arresting large numbers of Uyghurs on charges of engaging in "illegal religious activity" or of having ties to terrorist organizations.In fact, during this month alone, security organs in Xinjiang were involved in the fatal shooting of suspected Uyghur militants on several separate occasions and arrested at least one hundred more they suspected of trying to flee the country.Although the government characterizes its ongoing and expansive confrontation with Uyghurs in Xinjiang as anti-terrorism, it is equally related to the PRC's larger plans for Xinjiang.
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 15, 2013 1:22 PM