November 3, 2012
Tribune poll: Matheson trails Love 52 percent to 40 percent (Robert Gehrke, 11/01/12, The Salt Lake Tribune)
Brad Coker, managing director at Mason-Dixon, said that Matheson may be falling victim to the popularity of Mitt Romney."Romney is winning [Utah] by such a big margin and Republican voters are coming out because of Romney," Coker said. "It's just not a good year to be a Democrat in Utah."Love -- with the backing of national groups and fundraising help from prominent national Republicans -- has also been able to keep pace with Matheson's spending and has become a popular figure among national Republicans, Coker said.If Love wins the seat, she would become the first black Republican woman in Congress and the first black representative from Utah."I am encouraged by the momentum my campaign continues to gain which validates to me that Utahns are ready for a change in Washington," Love, who cast her own ballot Thursday, said of the results. "I know we have a lot of work left to do and know that every vote, voter and volunteer will make the difference on Tuesday."
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 3, 2012 6:13 AM