November 5, 2012
The Coming Post-Election GOP Freak Out : If Romney loses on Tuesday, watch for the right's outrage machine to kick into high gear. (Michael Tomasky Nov 4, 2012, Daily Beast)
What's the state of mind this weekend of the conservative outrage machine? With regard to liberals, I think it's fair to say as of Saturday that most of us (excepting your allowed-for percentage of nervous nellies) expect Barack Obama to win. If he somehow doesn't, we'll be surprised and deeply depressed. But provided the outcome doesn't involve some kind of Florida-style shenanigans, in a couple days' time, we'll come to terms with it.
When parody is done right it's sublime and, given the premise of the rest of the essay, tossing in that bit about how he and his ilk still aren't over 2000 can only be parodistic...right?
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 5, 2012 6:39 PM