October 11, 2012
Romney's Pivot to the Center Hasn't Worked. (But It Didn't Need To.) (JOHN SIDES, OCTOBER 11, 2012, ny tIMES)
[P]erhaps most importantly, Romney may not have needed this pivot to the center anyway. Even though he is perceived as more conservative than the average voter--and increasingly so--he is still closer to the average voter than is Obama. This belies the notion that Romney's conservative positions in the primary have damaged him in the general election. Romney's struggles up until his debate win were not about ideology. And if this debate has a long-term effect on the race, it may not involve making voters see him as more moderate. In fact, although Romney's embrace of conservatism has attracted more commentary, Obama's perceived liberalism could prove the bigger liability in November.
The key to governing is flexibility and the capacity to compromise, a willingness to accept some of what you want even if it means the other guys get some of what they want. The average voter may already be roughly as conservative as Mitt, but it has to be helpful for them to see him as someone who is not so ideological that he won't be able to govern..
Posted by Orrin Judd at October 11, 2012 9:15 PM