November 8, 2009
Riding high: The DNA of the domesticated horse shows evolution at work (The Economist, 11/05/09)
A team of researchers led by Claire Wade, then at the Broad Institute, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, collaborated on the project, which is reported in the latest issue of Science. They analysed DNA from a mare called Twilight (pictured above) to reveal a genome that consists of up to 2.7 billion base pairs (the “letters” in which the genetic message is written). This is slightly larger than the genome of a dog, but smaller than that of a human or a cow. They also compared Twilight, a thoroughbred, with members of other horse breeds. [...]The equine genome also indicates how extensive crossbreeding was in horse evolution.
Species stasis and breeding by an intelligent agent, just the way evolution was supposed to work, eh? Posted by Orrin Judd at November 8, 2009 5:49 AM