May 8, 2008
GOTTA GROW UP SOME TIME (via Bryan Francoeur)
Koalas under threat from toxic eucalyptus leaves (AP, 5/07/08)
Koalas are threatened by the rising level of carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere because it saps nutrients from the eucalyptus leaves they feed on, a researcher said Wednesday.Ian Hume, emeritus professor of biology at Sydney University, said he and his researchers also found that the amount of toxicity in the leaves of eucalyptus saplings rose when the level of carbon dioxide within a greenhouse was increased.
Man skins deer’s head in front of pre-school (The Local, 8 May 08)
Shocked pre-schoolers witnessed a man skin a deer’s head outside their pre-school in Sundsvall in northern Sweden on Wednesday afternoon.
It's been a rough couple weeks since Earth Day, what with the 6 year old telling me I'm destroying the planet because I run the water while I brush my teeth. But the other day, the Daughter won a special Vermont Teddy Bear at school and explained that money from the bears goes to save endangered species, like the moon bear. So I told her they were going extinct because Vermont Teddy Bear kills them and stuffs them. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 8, 2008 8:24 AM
I don't have time to do a post on this right now, but the AP article about Koala's is likely featuring a bald faced lie masquerading as science.
1.CO2 HAS BEEN higher in the time that the Koala has been on earth (and I think it clearly has, but haven't locked that down yet)
2. The Koala survived that bout of greater CO2
3. The science promoted by the article is a lie.
My view is that Anthro Global Warming doesn't pass muster with a Earth Science 101 student.
You have to live in a "Wag the Dog" society stupefied by decades of public schooling to believe in it.
Posted by: Bruno at May 8, 2008 10:28 AMThis is the same stuff they use to make money off the polar bears. "If the polar caps melt due to global warming and the polar bear gets stuck on some island with out food, it may be endangered." So you should act now even though the polar bear population is at a all time high. Just start those donations and help get those grants.
Maybe someday if the carbon in atmosphere reaches a certain level it will affect the cute little koalas. Start sending donations now!!! The new global scam.