February 23, 2008

FORCE THE CRISIS (via Mike Daley):

U.S. should revive flagging ties with Taiwan: study (Paul Eckert, 2/23/08, Reuters)

U.S. neglect of its traditionally close ties with Taiwan is raising the risk of a damaging conflict as the island faces military and diplomatic pressure from China, a study warned on Friday.

To defuse mounting tensions across the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan Policy Working Group recommended that Washington step up official contacts with Taiwan -- dealings that have declined in frequency and level in recent years under Chinese pressure.

"A broken dialogue increases the likelihood that what is now a dangerous situation will develop into an even more dangerous crisis," their study said.

The one China fiction serves no one but the PRC. Just recognize Taiwan as a nation and be done with it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 23, 2008 3:32 PM

You are 100% correct, of course, but the leaders you laud as so resolute, are cowards.

They (Bush, Clinton, McCain & Obama) will listen to the super wealthy whose incomes puff up that "aggregate net worth" you post about so often.

Those super wealthy would nuke everyone in Taiwan for a false promise of 1/100th of China's illusory market.

Posted by: Bruno at February 24, 2008 10:07 AM

China's a spent force. The jobs will be moving.

Posted by: oj at February 24, 2008 3:50 PM