January 16, 2008
Five myths of anti-immigration talk (ANDRES OPPENHEIMER, 1/13/08, MiamiHerald.com)
• Myth No. 1: ''We are only against illegal immigration. Undocumented immigrants should get in line for visas.'' That's deceptive because you can't demand that people get into line when, for the most part, there is no line to get into.Posted by Orrin Judd at January 16, 2008 12:38 PMWhile the U.S. labor market is demanding 1.5 million mostly low-skilled immigrants a year -- and will demand many more in coming years, as the U.S. population becomes increasingly educated -- the current immigration system allows into the U.S. an average of one million legal immigrants a year, and most of them are already here. [...]
On top of that, most anti-immigration groups want to reduce legal immigration. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a favorite of radio and cable television Hispanic immigrant-bashing news shows, wants to reduce legal immigration from the current 1 million a year to about 300,000, with a 20-year cooling-off period.
[...]• Myth No. 3: ''We are a nation of laws, and the law says you have to enter the country legally.'' Yes, but we are also a nation of immigrants. And, by the way, nearly half of all undocumented immigrants enter the country legally, and overstay their visas. [...]
• Myth No. 5: Those of us who criticize anti-immigration groups are ''amnesty'' and ''open borders'' supporters. Baloney. I, for one, support both border protection and an earned path to legalization for millions of undocumented workers who pay taxes and are willing to learn English.
My conclusion: Let's call things by their names, and agree that most opponents of a comprehensive immigration package are anti-immigration.
"And, by the way, nearly half of all undocumented immigrants enter the country legally, and overstay their visas." Ooh, stats directly pulled from the anus - always an effective argument.
Posted by: darryl at January 16, 2008 9:26 PMMy family did go through the some of the same bureaucratic hoops with my sister, who was born in Spain, at the Navy base at Rota. I have nothing but understanding for those who skip the line and get straight to work. The INS needs to be decimated in the old, Roman style.
Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at January 17, 2008 12:13 PM