September 26, 2007
The Perfect Pooch for You (Jennifer Viegas, 9/26/07, Discovery News)
The new study — one of the first to apply methods used to analyze human relationships to human/dog pairs — also reveals clues as to what makes the best pooch-to-person match.One surprising find is that a dog's personality helps shape the relationship more than the person's does.
Lead author Lisa Cavanaugh explained to Discovery News that "unlike human relationships, the partner's personality — in our case the canine personality — contributes measurably to relationship satisfaction" while the person's character seems to take a backseat.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 26, 2007 7:26 AM
I've long thought that the interplay between dogs and humans is fascinating. Dogs can be trained to perform all sorts of arduous tasks and even to save our lives, but they're also really, really good at getting us to do things for them. Back when I had an Irish setter, he took me for a walk once or twice a day.
Posted by: Matt Murphy at September 28, 2007 8:15 AM