September 1, 2007
Starting Over: THE WORLD WITHOUT US By Alan Weisman (JENNIFER SCHUESSLER, NY Times Book Review)
When Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” was published in 1963, the chemical giant Monsanto struck back with a parody called “Desolate Spring” that envisioned an America laid waste not by pesticides but by insects: “The bugs were everywhere. Unseen. Unheard. Unbelievably universal. ... On or under every square foot of land, every square yard, every acre, and county, and state and region in the entire sweep of the United States. In every home and barn and apartment house and chicken coop, and in their timbers and foundations and furnishings. Beneath the ground, beneath the waters, on and in limbs and twigs and stalks, under rocks, inside trees and animals and other insects — and yes, inside man.”To Alan Weisman, this nightmare scenario would be merely a promising start. In his morbidly fascinating nonfiction eco-thriller, “The World Without Us,” Weisman imagines what would happen if the earth’s most invasive species — ourselves — were suddenly and completely wiped out. [...]
Weisman has his own flirtation with religious language, his occasionally portentous impassivity giving way to the familiar rhetoric of eco-hellfire as he imagines the earth’s most “narcissistic” species cleansed from the earth as punishment for its “overindulged lifestyle.” But Weisman stops short of calling for our full green burial, arguing instead for a universal “one child per human mother” policy. It would take until 2100 to dwindle to a global population of 1.6 billion, a level last seen in the 19th century, before leaping advances in energy, medicine and food production, but well before then we’d experience “the growing joy of watching the world daily become more wonderful.” And the evidence, Weisman writes, “wouldn’t hide in statistics. It would be outside every human’s window, where refreshed air would fill each season with more birdsong.”
One of the more amusing bows that the Rationalists make to God is their insistence that Man is not part of Nature. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 1, 2007 7:51 AM
The anti-life "poseurs" (there's that word again) are so ready to eliminate the all-too-many.
We have a man in our circle, a secular Jew--an Israeli immigrant, actually, who is always going on about population quantity and quality. Like the Silent Spring set, he has all these plans for other people to be sterilized or euthanized or whatever. Endlosung Harry, final solution Harry, as we call him, never has an explanation for just how all these life-and-death decisins are going to be made.
Posted by: Lou Gots at September 1, 2007 9:11 AMjust how all these life-and-death decisins are going to be made.
Or why he is the only person qualified to make and enforce but be personally exempt from them.