July 10, 2007
Professors Find God in Groves of Academe (GARY SHAPIRO, July 10, 2007, NY Sun)
Contrary to popular opinion, the majority of professors — even at elite schools — are religious believers, a new study shows.Accounting professors are the most religious among the top 20 bachelor's degree-granting disciplines, with 63% saying they believe in God. Overall, American professors are less religious than the general public, but a majority of academics do believe in God, the survey of about 1,500 professors found. A professor at Harvard University, Neil Gross, and a professor at George Mason University, Solon Simmons, conducted the survey.
A professor of religion at Barnard College, Randall Balmer, said the study helps to refute the notion that academics are almost universally atheist or agnostic. A research scholar at New York University's Center for Religion and Media, Jeff Sharlet, likewise said the idea that the ivory tower is detached from the main currents of religious life is as sound as believing that "The Beverly Hillbillies" is a fair representation of rural poverty. About accountants being so religious, Mr. Sharlet quipped, "The god is in the details."
The new research shows that mechanical engineers are those whom one is least likely to be seated next to at a church, mosque, or synagogue. [...]
Mr. Balmer said he was surprised that biologists were among the disciplines that were most atheist and agnostic. Between 20% and 30% of professors overall termed themselves atheists or agnostics.
You have to really not be paying attention to not realize that for biologists Darwinism is just a God substitute. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 10, 2007 5:14 PM
How was "religious" defined?
Posted by: erp at July 10, 2007 6:26 PM