July 24, 2007
Electing Gore - Non-Linear Climate Change Politics (Bill Henderson, 24 July, 2007, Countercurrents.org)
A Gore run for president will only happen and be successful when this true appreciation of danger from climate change pushes far ahead of more immediate economic and security electoral concerns.
There's an easy sell: I'll take your job and the warmth. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 24, 2007 11:08 PM
Made-up words are dangerous; they are a barrier to communication. Sometimes, however, one sees something that such a word fits so well. the word this article brings up: Moonbat.
Posted by: Lou Gots at July 25, 2007 4:08 AMThis years global warming failure might be the Atlantic Hurricane season, which is off to a slow start despite all predictions. Of course, their inability to predict a relatively well-understood phenomena over three or four months in no way calls into question their ability to predict a very poorly understood phenomena over generations.
Posted by: Ibid at July 25, 2007 7:28 AMNow I'm scared. h/t Instapundit
Did anyone else see the quote by the 25 year-old Portuguese student in yesterday's USA Today.
Talking about the weather in London, she said - "Last year, it was the heat, this year it is so wet. The climate is definitely changing."
Last year on this day, I had diarrhea. Today I am constipated. My digestion, it is undergoing the change.
Or to paraphrase to Manolo, last year I wore the flats, this year the pumps. My style, it is changing.
Posted by: ratbert at July 25, 2007 7:20 PM