June 8, 2007


A concession or a convenience? (Patrick Wintour, June 8, 2007, The Guardian)

The G8 is not collectively committed to a single target. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor has failed in securing a statement that global warming needs to be kept below 2C. No mechanisms exist for the indicative goal to be implemented. Each country remains sovereign in deciding how it will tackle carbon emissions, and there is only the promise of further discussions hosted by President Bush in the autumn. [...]

Mr Blair last month sought to persuade Mr Bush he could be part of a global deal to cut carbon emissions against a background of changing political mood in the US on global warming. Mr Bush's concern was the fear of jobs going east if the US became enmeshed in carbon reduction obligations that did not apply to India or China. Mr Blair argued the US could take the helm and form a new framework on cutting emissions within the next 18 months so a clear successor to the UN's Kyoto agreement could be formed before it expires in 2012.

In his speech ahead of the G8, President Bush made his move, committing to the principle of a stabilisation goal, without setting a date or a figure. He said there should be national, interim targets. He suggested the process should be conducted by the G8 plus seven.

Was he trying to circumvent the UN process and why was he not willing to commit the US to a specific target for cutting emissions? The Europeans have pressed the US to calm fears that the UN was being bypassed. That is achieved in the communique and in briefings by US officials. At his final bilateral with Mr Blair at today, Mr Bush moved on an indicative goal. It will support a communique backing substantial cuts in carbon emissions and accept they could be in the order of 50% by 2050, as long as China and India agree to be involved.

The President understands that the point of such exercises is the agreement iself, not any theoretical results, so you can give your opponents nothing, but so long as you sign something they feel like something has been done.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 8, 2007 6:26 AM

Otherwise we should just develop a thermostat for the sun. Gore's probably invented one already.

Posted by: Genecis at June 8, 2007 12:09 PM

feel like something has been done

Or, pretend like something has been done?
"Bush finally blinked, a triumph for Koyoto"
"Bush agreed to cut carbon emissions by 50%"

Btw, why should anyone fear that the UN was being bypassed? Who else other than the Euros in the UN are interested in Koyoto? China is not in, India is not in, Russia is taking advantage of collecting doughs selling their emission credits to the Euros.

I wish Bush can be in office for 4 more years, just to dismantle the UN, a largest piece of parasitic crap ever.

Posted by: ic at June 8, 2007 1:21 PM

I was wondering why, since Bush has already been damned as a despot, he doesn't crown himself emperor and take care of business. So much to do. Dismantle the UN; take the moonbats from every corner of the globe to the secret dungeons in Eastern Europe so they can explain to their victims why they made heroes out of those who brutally oppressed them; stop the killing of innocents in Africa and Asia; let terrorists know that they can play nice with their neighbors or get ready to meet the virgins/dwarves, and more in the same vein.

Posted by: erp at June 8, 2007 2:08 PM