June 19, 2007


'West Bank First': It Won't Work (Robert Malley and Aaron David Miller, June 19, 2007, Washington Post)

Having embraced one illusion -- that it could help isolate and defeat Hamas -- the Bush administration is dangerously close to embracing another: Gaza is dead, long live the West Bank. This approach appears compelling. Flood the West Bank with money, boost Fatah security forces and create a meaningful negotiating process. The Palestinian people, drawn to a recovering West Bank and repelled by the nightmare of an impoverished Gaza, will rally around the more pragmatic of the Palestinians.

The theory is a few years late and several steps removed from reality. If the United States wanted to help President Mahmoud Abbas, the time to do so was in 2005, when he won office in a landslide, emerged as the Palestinians' uncontested leader and was in a position to sell difficult compromises to his people. Today, Abbas is challenged by far more Palestinians and is far less capable of securing a consensus on any important decision.

But the more fundamental problem with this theory is its lack of grounding. It is premised on the notion that Fatah controls the West Bank. Yet the West Bank is not Gaza in reverse. Unlike in Gaza, Israel's West Bank presence is overwhelming and, unlike Hamas, Fatah has ceased to exist as an ideologically or organizationally coherent movement.

Fiddling around with Fatah is just another way of delaying the inevitable, a nation of Palestine led by democratically elected Islamic parties.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 19, 2007 11:09 AM

Islamic parties that aren't completely psychotic, which means that Israel (and the rest of the decent world, meaning us) needs to follow through on Ariel Sharon's (if I recall correctly) pledge a few years back that all members of Hamas are "marked for death."

Posted by: b at June 19, 2007 11:27 AM

It may well turn out the way you are saying, but Hamas may also decide that it doesn't need to have elections anymore.

Posted by: Brandon at June 19, 2007 12:11 PM

It's not up to Hamas.

Posted by: oj at June 19, 2007 1:41 PM

Hey, if Hamas and Fatah and the whole alphabet soup of Palestinian goon squads want to exterminate each other, I'm cool with it.

Posted by: Mike Morley at June 19, 2007 3:20 PM

Democratic/Islamic? I like it. What would the majority recommend be done with the local infidel? What does the book say?

Posted by: Mickey Rivers at June 19, 2007 3:58 PM