May 8, 2007
Murder assault on Fort Dix would be easy, accused plotter says (John Shiffman, 5/08/07, Philadelphia INQUIRER)
The FBI arrested six people, including five in Cherry Hill, in connection with an alleged plot to kill soldiers at Fort Dix that unraveled with an alert store clerk, federal officials said today.Posted by Orrin Judd at May 8, 2007 1:14 PM"If you want to do anything here, there is Fort Dix and I don't want to exaggerate, and I assure that you can hit an American base very easily," one of the men told an FBI informant, according to the FBI. "You take a map and draw it and then you calculate that there are areas where there are 100 to 200 individuals . . .
"When you got a military base, you need mortars and RPGs," the man allegedly said.
"My intent is to hit a heavy concentration of soldiers," the man on the tape said. "You hit four, five or six humvees and light the whole place up."
Greg Reinert, a Justice Department spokesman in Camden, described the six as "Islamic radicals . . . who were involved in a plot to kill U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey."
"Their alleged intention was to conduct an armed assault on the Army base and to kill as many soldiers as possible," he said.
The plot unraveled when a store clerk told the FBI that one of the suspects had brought a "disturbing" videotape to copy onto a DVD, authorities said.
"Today we dodged a bullet," said Jody Weis, the senior FBI agent in Philadelphia. "In fact, we dodged a lot of bullets. The unsung hero is that store clerk."
The headline about the privacy is spot on. The big point is that we are watching them. We aren't looking for the keys to those old WWII camps we used for the Japanese, not yet, but we are watching.
We should ask ourselves why it is that we have not been hit since 9-11. This is something exceptional about America, a legitimacy which leads our citizens to narc out suspicious characters. Other places lack this, I have found.
Posted by: Lou Gots at May 9, 2007 4:05 AM