May 26, 2007
Impostor shakes up Stanford: University to check security after woman is accused of living on campus as a student for 8 months (Richard C. Paddock and Jennifer Delson, May 26, 2007, LA Times)
Azia Kim arrived at Stanford University last fall from Fullerton and took up residence on campus at Kimball Hall.She ate in the dining hall and seemed to do her homework, often working late into the night on school papers. She told people she was a human biology major and talked about her upcoming exams.
There was only one problem: She had not been admitted as a student.
Relying on the generosity and friendliness of Stanford's students, the Fullerton Troy High School graduate managed to keep up the pretense for eight months, until she was found out this week, according to university officials, Kim's friends and news accounts.
Posted by Orrin Judd at May 26, 2007 10:25 AM
They should admit her. She shows greater drive and smarts than 5 average students, even at Stanford.
The Stanford spokesman seems like a jerk.
Posted by: Bob at May 26, 2007 11:31 AMIs there a parallel here with immigration?
Posted by: ratbert at May 27, 2007 1:20 AM