March 3, 2007
Noticeably Absent From the Giuliani Campaign: His Children (RUSS BUETTNER and RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA, 3/03/07, NY Times)
As he embarks on a campaign for the presidency, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is going forward without two people who once played supporting roles in his political life: his children, Andrew, 21, and Caroline, 17.Andrew Giuliani has been at his father's side in campaign commercials and inaugurations since he was a toddler, famously bounding across the stage in a rambunctious manner and mimicking his father's rhetorical flourishes during Mr. Giuliani's 1994 mayoral inauguration.
But Mr. Giuliani's relationship with Andrew has grown strained and distant since his very public and bitter divorce from Andrew's mother, Donna Hanover, and his marriage to Judith Nathan, according to Andrew and others familiar with the relationship.
I know it was you, Dad, you broke my heart.... Posted by Orrin Judd at March 3, 2007 2:43 PM
Yeah its a good thing that Reagan never had a divorce or a troubled relationship with his kids or he never would have been president.
No wait...
Do you think Rudy will be getting lap dances in the Oval Office?
Oh, wait...
Posted by: ratbert at March 3, 2007 8:42 PMYes, based on his history we would expect a President McCain to have a sex scandal and nasty divorce while in office. He's very Clintonesque.
Posted by: oj at March 3, 2007 9:14 PMI was listening to clips of Giuliani at CPAC. He's an awful speaker.
Maybe he'll do OK in a debate, but golly, he sounded awful.
BTW, just what is so great about being mayor on 9/11. Did he do anything any mayor wouldn't have done?
Posted by: Bruno at March 3, 2007 9:46 PMNagin. And many points between those poles.
Posted by: ghostcat at March 3, 2007 10:01 PMBruno:
Nobody remembers what George Pataki did on 9/11.
Posted by: jim hamlen at March 3, 2007 10:23 PMBruno: I see your point, but I'm more impressed by the way he cleaned up NYC against the full weight of local Democrats, racial grievance mongers, unions, and organized crime. (Admittedly there's some overlap between the four groups.) If he can do that, he can handle Pelosi and company.
Posted by: PapayaSF at March 3, 2007 11:08 PMBruno, Giuliani may not be an inspired orator, and he may not have the support of his children, remember two of Reagan's kids weren't supportive either and his namesake actually campaigned against him, but as a mayor he was inspired!
What he accomplished in his tenure as mayor even tortured as it was with a cancerous prostate and a cancerous wife, was nothing short of miraculous, and it's terrifying to think of what would have happened had any of the other mayors since LaGuardia left office in 1945 (O'Dwyer, Impellitteri, Wagner, Lindsay, Beame, Koch, Dinkins) been in office on 9/11 instead of Rudy.
I wonder if the younger Giuliani turns down front row Yankees tickets when his dad offers it to him.
Posted by: andrew at March 4, 2007 10:34 AMCredere, obbedire, combattere.
Posted by: Lou Gots at March 4, 2007 1:55 PMHe's a bald and immoral Mike Bloomberg.
Posted by: oj at March 4, 2007 3:45 PMGiuliani will stand up to the media and the dems and wage the war against terror. Anything else is icing on the cake.
The other candidates so far are scary.
Bloomberg is a self-made billionaire and Giuliani didn't have a nickel to his name before he left public service.