November 4, 2006
Hawks deal death from above: Squirrels are paying a high price for saying nuts to red-tailed hunters at Queen's Park The high-flying birds of prey draw some admiring fans as they patrol the skies (ROB FERGUSON, 11/04/06, Toronto Star)
Sometimes there's no safe place to hide when you're under attack at the Legislature.Posted by Orrin Judd at November 4, 2006 2:37 PMPoliticians have learned this over decades — often the hard way — as rivals and reporters circle in for the, um, kill.
But the lesson has truly been a matter of life and death for the rapidly dwindling squirrel population at Queen's Park, thanks to a family of red-tailed hawks nesting atop the Legislature's west wing since last spring.
"They're doing a job on them," says one staffer who regularly watches the Queen's Park air show. It features dramatic high-speed, fly-by snatches of the bushy-tailed rodents and mid-air takedowns of birds, leaving a poof of feathers fluttering gently to earth.
"As you can see, there are no pigeons here," he adds, gesturing upward.
I despise squirrels. Where can I get a hawk? Will they kill our favorite Cardinal?
Posted by: Bruno at November 4, 2006 6:52 PMIn my area there is a very activer pigeon racing club/league. It is also big in the midwest and in Europe.
I have been in backyards and seen hawks take out a pigeon in mid-flight. Pretty impressive. Of course the owners of the pigeons aren't too happy.
Posted by: AWw at November 4, 2006 9:23 PMMy dad catches squirrels in a "hav-a-hart" trap, then teaches them to swim. They never learn.
Posted by: ted welter at November 5, 2006 1:00 AM