September 8, 2006
Time of year for squirrels to go nuts (NBC2 News, 8/31/2006)
The state wildlife officials say they are getting numerous calls about squirrels that seem to be "going nuts," but officials say the odd behavior is actually a natural occurrence caused by a parasite.Callers reported seeing squirrels rolling around on the ground and jumping in the air. Many say it looks like the animal have gone crazy. They also tell officials the squirrels appear to have large lumps on their bodies.
Scientists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission say the odd behavior and lumps are caused by parasites. The lumps are subcutaneous warbles and they are caused by the larvae of insects commonly known as bot flies.
Adult female flies lay eggs near squirrel dens. The eggs hatch when exposed to sudden increases in temperature or moisture, such as when the animal grooms itself. The larvae then enter the mouth, nose or other body openings and migrate to a location just beneath the skin where they cut a little hole so they can breathe and continue to develop. This process takes three to seven weeks, depending on the species of fly and host, and causes itchy swellings that range from half an inch to one inch in diameter. After the larvae emerge from the skin, the lesions may become infected, but they normally heal without complication.
In gray squirrels, larvae are most abundant in late summer and fall, which is why people are seeing the lumps right now according to FWC wildlife biologists. They said most of the squirrels will suffer no permanent effects from the parasites, however, a few may become debilitated by heavy infestations.
... Cindy Sheehan recently had a squirrel den removed from her attic... Posted by Orrin Judd at September 8, 2006 3:23 PM
I heard a phrase on a local talk show that would seem to apply here:
"Nuttier than squirrel feces."
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at September 8, 2006 3:59 PMThis has nothing to do with parasites. They just became hysterical when they heard about this.
Squirrels evolved a wicked sense of the absurd.
Posted by: Peter B at September 8, 2006 4:10 PM