August 8, 2006
A blogger shines when news media get it wrong (Randy Dotinga, 8/09/06, The Christian Science Monitor)
He's tangled with CBS over the authenticity of documents about President Bush's National Guard service. This time around, he's uncovered doctored war photos distributed by Reuters, forcing the news service to retract them. [...]Posted by Orrin Judd at August 8, 2006 7:26 PMThis week, his website - - is attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors, thanks to his Reuters exclusive. (The origin of the site's unusual name is a secret.)
"...when news media get it wrong". Should have read, "...when news media lie through their teeth".
Posted by: sam at August 8, 2006 9:36 PMWhat's not to like about a long-haired, jazz-guitar-playing, bicycling neocon. He's way too anti-Muslim for some tastes, of course.
Posted by: ghostcat at August 8, 2006 11:41 PMCharles is also a cat lover, and used to have a picture of a devilishly cute black & white cat on his homepage. The cat's eyes were small, green and oval. Hmmm ....
Posted by: ghostcat at August 8, 2006 11:48 PM