June 11, 2006
Debate Over Wind Power Creates Environmental Rift (FELICITY BARRINGER, 6/06/06, NY Times)
Dan Boone has no doubt that his crusade against wind energy is the right way to protect the Allegheny highlands he loves. Let other environmentalists call him deluded at best, traitorous at worst. [...]With fears of global warming growing more acute, Mr. Boone and many other local activists are finding themselves increasingly out of step with the priorities of the broader movement.
National groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club used to uniting against specific projects are now united for renewable energy in general. And they are particularly high on wind power — with the caveat that a few, but only a few, special places should be turbine-free.
"The broader environmental movement knows we have this urgent need for renewable energy to avert global warming," said John Passacantando, executive director of Greenpeace U.S.A. "But we're still dealing with groups that can't get their heads around global warming yet."
Indeed, the best winds, especially in the East, tend to blow in places that are also ideal for hiking, sailing, second homes and spirit-soothing views. These include the Green Mountains, the Adirondacks, the Chesapeake Bay, Cape Cod and the ridges of northern Appalachia. Local opposition to unwanted development remains a potent force.
So when it comes to wind, the environmental movement is riven with dissonance and accusations of elitism.
Posted by Orrin Judd at June 11, 2006 9:19 AM
Wind power was a great feel good "solution" in concept. It never occurred to these guys that the day might come when some fool tried to turn these "solutions" into reality. Because of their huge footprint, wind farms are vastly uglier (while much less efficient) than any of the tried and true alternatives. It's still hard to believe that people are actually trying to build these things with private capital.
Posted by: curt at June 11, 2006 5:01 PMDon't ya just luv it? All the left's cherished little hopes and dreams dashed due to exposure by adults who can reason and do arithmetic. It really is hard to wipe the smile off your face.
Posted by: erp at June 11, 2006 6:27 PM