June 13, 2006


FATAL DESPERATION AT GUANTANAMO: While the government characterizes the suicides of three detainees as a 'PR move,' overwhelming evidence points to
the true cause of their deaths -- acute despair. (Onnesha Roychoudhuri, 6/13/06, AlterNet)

Handy rule of thumb: when your opponents feel acute despair they're losing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 13, 2006 10:24 PM

Why would they feel anything else? Allah has abandoned them, and they are reduced to using their Korans for unholy purposes.

Posted by: ratbert at June 14, 2006 1:44 AM

Whatever the reason for these suicides, it strikes me that the religious faith of these men does not seem to have served them well. Either it inspired them to commit suicide for strategic purposes or it failed to support them in conditions that were actually relatively comfortable.

What a contrast to the faith of Immaculee Ilibaganza of Rwanda who spent 3 months in a tiny bathroom crammed with six other women, just scraps of food and in constant danger of rape, torture and death. She came out of that experience transformed - filled with love, energy, purpose and forgiveness.

Posted by: L. Rogers at June 14, 2006 2:23 AM

Whatever the reason for these suicides, it strikes me that the religious faith of these men does not seem to have served them well.

It's always seemed to me that the Islamist version of Islam is awfully brittle. It resorts to extreme violence at the slightest provocation--perhaps because Allah isn't big enough and strong enough to survive a few mocking cartoons, or the possibility that some woman, somewhere, might not be wearing a burka.

Posted by: Mike Morley at June 14, 2006 2:34 PM