April 6, 2006


Poll Finds Steele May Be Magnet for Black Voters (Matthew Mosk, April 6, 2006, Washington Post)

An internal document prepared by a top Democratic strategist warns that a majority of African American voters in Maryland are open to supporting Republican Senate candidate Michael S. Steele and advises the party not to wait to "knock Steele down."

The 37-page report says a sizable segment of likely black voters -- as much as 44 percent -- would readily abandon their historic Democratic allegiances "after hearing Steele's messaging."

"Governor Ehrlich and [Lt. Gov.] Michael Steele have a clear ability to break through the Democratic stronghold among African American voters in Maryland," says the March 27 report by Cornell Belcher, polling consultant for the Democratic National Committee, which bases its findings on a survey of 489 black voters in Maryland conducted last month.

The GOP needs to just hammer on school vouchers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 6, 2006 3:58 PM

the machiavelli in me senses that gwb is using the illegal immigration issue to herd african american voters over to the gop.

Posted by: toe at April 6, 2006 5:46 PM

Toe - the argument I saw was that african americans were against the hispanic immigration and that Bush caving on immigration was going to hurt Bush with african americans.

Posted by: AWW at April 6, 2006 9:21 PM

if he can get the dems to step up and take some credit, then have the gop step back, they are left looking bad in the eyes of the african american community. the key thing here, is that blacks can vote whereas the illegals can't. not saying that my thesis is a lock, i just smell cheese in the air (as in a baited trap). i am probably giving the tosser too much credit.

Posted by: toe at April 6, 2006 9:31 PM
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