February 16, 2006


Coyotes attack poodle in Oak Brook (GARY WISBY, 2/16/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

An Oak Brook woman's toy poodle, taking a bathroom break in the backyard over the weekend, was attacked by what experts suspect was a family of coyotes.

Reason enough to reintroduce the critters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 16, 2006 9:08 AM

"It was heartbreaking," Turkin said. Molly "is probably the most spoiled dog in the world. She's literally like my kid. I put bows in her hair and dress her up in clothes."

Obvious the coyotes have learned to pick on the wussiest dogs.

Of the poodle, Thompson said: "This is something that looks a lot like a rabbit to them."

How do they know it didn't look like a toy poodle with a red bow and pink sweater?

Posted by: pj at February 16, 2006 9:42 AM

This isn't funny pj.

Posted by: erp at February 16, 2006 9:55 AM

What have coyotes come to when they can't take down a stinkin' poodle?

Posted by: oj at February 16, 2006 10:06 AM

Backfiring Acme products no doubt hampered the endeavor.

Posted by: John at February 16, 2006 10:16 AM

"Wyle E., you idiot, that's a poodle, not a roadrunner!"

Posted by: Mike Morley at February 16, 2006 10:29 AM

"90-pound yellow lab, Duke. He was out in the yard at the time of the attack but was not harmed"


Posted by: Bob at February 16, 2006 10:39 AM

There was a heart-warming story in the NYT a while back about toy dogs in Central Park being taken by hawks.

Posted by: Mike Earl at February 16, 2006 10:57 AM

Never send a coyote to do a mountain lion's job!

Posted by: Rick T. at February 16, 2006 10:57 AM

Bob - It's Europe in a nutshell. The terrorist coyotes attack the soft targets, and the powerful authorities look on and do nothing.

Posted by: pj at February 16, 2006 10:59 AM

You guys all can laugh, I've got a pack of them living about 3 houses away.

No lap dog for me, we have to up the poundage.

We also have hawk, boy do those rabbits run in the morning.

Did I mention I live near Oak Brook?

We're only about 20-25 miles west of Chicago.

Argonne National Lab used to have white deer, they took over so much, had to move them out.

Posted by: Sandy P at February 16, 2006 11:17 AM


You might even call him 'yellow.'

Posted by: Timothy at February 16, 2006 2:01 PM

The coyote is the homeless bum of the animal kingdom. And we all know the homeless bum is not exactly the model picture of health:)

Posted by: Brad S at February 16, 2006 2:17 PM

Had a pack of 'em yodeling in the neighbor's yard the other night. They drive the dogs nuts but I've never heard of them eating one. Mountain lions, on the other hand...

Posted by: joe shropshire at February 16, 2006 2:51 PM

There is are persistent rumors making the rounds in conservation (read: "hunting") circles that some state departments of natural resources have been intentionally stocking coyotes as part of predator restoration. The long-range idea is to introducw natural predators as replacements for human hunters at the top of the food chain.

Coyotes in the wild, when not eating poodles or little children, do prey on fawns, and thus do impact deer populations.

Since the unintended consequences outweigh the advantages of predator reintroduction, our state, whether or not it is true it has swapped wild turkeys for coyotes with western DNR's, as alleged, now has open hunting on coyotes, no closed season, electronic callers allowed. even

Posted by: Lou Gots at February 16, 2006 6:04 PM

I'd rather hit a coyote than a deer. Can they take down moose? That's what we really need to get rid of.

Posted by: oj at February 16, 2006 6:07 PM

Nobody reintroduced coyotes to central Illinois. They reintroduced themselves. Turkey population seems just fine. If they would kill off a lot of deer, that would be just fine. I'd certainly rather hit a coyote than the two deer I've had run ins with.

Posted by: jdkelly at February 16, 2006 6:21 PM

too bad they don't go after the geese.

Posted by: Sandy P at February 16, 2006 6:32 PM

Yeah, them too.

Posted by: jdkelly at February 16, 2006 9:13 PM

The greenies wanted nature, they will get nature.

To me the natural consequences of predator reintroduction will be that more folks will find it necessary to go about armed and that walled cities will come back into favor. I think both would be positive developments.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at February 17, 2006 11:50 AM