February 6, 2006


A Snapshot of the Right Wing Tactics (M. Junaid Alam, January 30, 2006, WireTap)

With his too-clever-by-half idea of bribing students to report their own teachers and his openly professed irrational hatreds, the UCLA graduate ended up crippling his own little crusade and earning the disapproval of other right-wingers who are trying to purge America of critical thinking in tactically sounder ways. Thus, Jones' methods have backfired for the moment. But his effort is a stern reminder that the line between American conservatism today and Germany's fascist anti-intellectual movement of the 1930s is thinner than a hair on a bald man's head.

You have to wonder if some considerable portion of the Left's desire to think they're victims of a new Nazism isn't just driven by subconscious guilt and the need for the kind of moral validation the original gave Judaism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 6, 2006 6:34 AM

That article was great! The author admitted that there were a ton of Leftists on campus who hate America to the core and use their courses to inculcate these sentiments. Then he argues they should be allowed to do so in semi-secrecy because they are right. Weird.

Posted by: Pepys at February 6, 2006 7:19 PM

[H]is effort is a stern reminder that the line between American conservatism today and Germany's fascist anti-intellectual movement of the 1930s is thinner than a hair on a bald man's head.

Coming to you from the same people who refused to fight the Taliban, but who like comparing them to the guys who did.

Posted by: Matt Murphy at February 7, 2006 1:08 AM