January 15, 2006
Feinstein Warns Against Alito Filibuster (HOPE YEN, 1/15/06, Associated Press)
A Democrat who plans to vote against Samuel Alito sided on Sunday with a Republican colleague on the Senate Judiciary Committee in cautioning against a filibuster of the Supreme Court nominee."I do not see a likelihood of a filibuster," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This might be a man I disagree with, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't be on the court."
The case against John McCain gets more nuanced every day. Posted by Orrin Judd at January 15, 2006 1:08 PM
Keating 5
McCain "anti-torture" amendment.
Talking Duck
This is exactly the case against McCain. We only get justices acceptable to Senator Feinstein.
Posted by: David Cohen at January 15, 2006 4:46 PMAnd the Miers nomination was a deke, intended to neutralize the gender factor. Harriet laid down a sacrifice bunt to advance the cause. As may J.R. Brown.
Posted by: ghostcat at January 15, 2006 5:18 PM"The case against John McCain gets more nuanced every day."--Nah. Lady Di is just one of the few Dems who can count. If they play that card now, they won't have it when the 5th conservative is nominated.
Posted by: Noel at January 15, 2006 5:32 PMThe only person who really matters as far as who gets nominated is GWB. The only person who really matters as far as who gets confirmed is McCain. As long as he thinks that he has more to gain by placating the party base than by placating the NYT, things will be OK. Which probably means for the rest of GWB's term, but who knows what might happen if things go bad for the GOP in November...
Posted by: b at January 15, 2006 9:43 PM