December 6, 2005
Jews, Muslims Join Fight for Christian Christmas (Andrea Useem, 12/06/05, Religion News Service)
The movement defending Christmas as a Christian holiday has attracted some unlikely allies: religiously observant Jews and Muslims.Their support bucks the assumption that religious minorities prefer a neutral approach to the season, desiring "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" at retail checkout lines or "Frosty the Snowman" over "O Holy Night" at public school concerts. [...]
Islamic support for Christmas stems in part from religious doctrine. While observant Muslims can follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in respecting Jewish and Christian holidays, they say they have little motivation to value Santa-based winter holiday celebrations.
When it comes to Christmas, "the more religious it is, the more acceptable it is to Muslims," said Ahmed Bedier, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Central Florida office.
And all against the witches. Posted by Orrin Judd at December 6, 2005 9:12 PM
Where is this an issue? Not in my community, and I live in a blue state. My daughter sang in the high school's annual Christmas concert last night. Among the songs were:
Ave Maria
Away in a Manger
Born, Born in Bethlehem
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
Do You Hear What I Hear
Is anyone else seeing it differently in your area?
Posted by: Robert Duquette at December 6, 2005 9:34 PMLyrics from a ridiculous folk song I heard last night on the local public radio station:
The food was great, the tree plugged in, the meal had gone without a hitch
Till Timmy turned to Amber and said, "Is it true that you're a witch?"
His mom jumped up and said, "The pies are burning," and she hit the kitchen
And it was Jane who spoke, she said, "It's true, your cousin's not a Christian"
"But we love trees, we love the snow, the friends we have, the world we share
And you find magic from your God, and we find magic everywhere"
"So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table
Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able
And where does magic come from, I think magic's in the learning
Cause now when Christians sit with Pagans only pumpkin pies are burning"
...Which is too bad, when you think about it.
Posted by: H.D. Miller at December 6, 2005 10:57 PM"Where is this an issue?"
Then you didn't hear about Medina school principal who took down the "giving tree" because" the tree represents some part of Christianity."
(Medina is the current hometown of one Willam Gates III).
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at December 6, 2005 11:43 PMChristianity Today's Weblog has a whole section devoted to instances every day. No suprise that Robert doesn't live with the Toynbees.
Posted by: oj at December 7, 2005 7:44 AMYes, if you are going to count all the insults to your faith, soon you will feel overwhelmed. American Atheists does the same on their wesite, which is why I never visit it. There's a Catholic guy who does the same, his name escapes me right now. If you really want to get yourself depressed, then count all the people who don't like you.
But this is a big country. Is this a dangerous trend or just an annoyance in certain liberal enclaves like Seattle? I know that there are some issues with Christmas in some places, I just wonder if it is being overblown by overly-sensitive Christians.
Posted by: Robert Duquette at December 7, 2005 9:09 AMRobert:
It's not a matter of counting them, but defeating those who attempt them. That's how you preserve a decent society. Insults to Atheism are of couse legion but still insufficient.
Posted by: oj at December 7, 2005 9:22 AMInsufficient insults to atheism are legion on this blog alone.
Posted by: Brit at December 7, 2005 9:30 AMYes, we've other fish to fry.
Posted by: oj at December 7, 2005 9:34 AMInsufficient to do what? Make us go away?
Posted by: Robert Duquette at December 7, 2005 1:18 PMYou're hardly an atheist -- as witness your amusing insistence that conscience is identical to Judeo-Christian morality -- but insufficient to assign the blame atheism deserves.
Posted by: oj at December 7, 2005 1:23 PM