June 6, 2005


Monster shark swallows diver in Jaws-style attack (FRED BRIDGLAND, 6/06/05, The Scotsman)

Conservationists are now expecting renewed calls for killer sharks to be hunted down following the death of medical student Henri Murray, 22 - the latest in a series of attacks. Great whites have been a protected species in South African waters since 1990, but calls for a cull have been growing following the deaths of several South African swimmers and surfers this year.

Two British surfers survived - although one needed 200 stitches to leg wounds and the other had to have 100 stitches to torn hips and buttocks. In yesterday's attack, Mr Murray's diving partner, 23-year-old Piet van Niekerk, shot the great white with his speargun in a desperate attempt to drive it away, but he did not see his friend again.

Dave Estment, a yachtsman, was sitting on the jetty at Simon's Town, near Cape Town, when he saw the great white breach the surface.

"It was incredibly fast. The two spear fishermen were not far from the beach. Suddenly a huge shark surged from under the water taking the one diver [from his legs upwards] to his arms in its jaws," he said.

"It must have been massive to have done that. Then the shark and the man just vanished." Other witnesses to the attack estimated the shark's length at 20 feet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 6, 2005 12:01 AM


Posted by: Robert Schwartz at June 6, 2005 11:28 AM

Bleah on the time zone rule:

And Tomlinson took up the tale and spoke of his good in life.
"O this I have read in a book," he said, "and that was told to me,
"And this I have thought that another man thought of a Prince in Muscovy."
The good souls flocked like homing doves and bade him clear the path,
And Peter twirled the jangling Keys in weariness and wrath.
"Ye have read, ye have heard, ye have thought," he said, "and the tale is yet to run:
"By the worth of the body that once ye had, give answer—what ha' ye done?"

Posted by: Brandon at June 6, 2005 12:37 PM

those who can't read do

Posted by: oj at June 6, 2005 12:40 PM

jonah '05

Posted by: cjm at June 6, 2005 1:29 PM

Arrrrgh! This is be a job for Captain Quint!

Posted by: H.D. Miller at June 6, 2005 5:54 PM