June 13, 2005
War on Terror Dominates Talks Given at Graduations (SAM DILLON, 6/12/05, NY Times)
James McBride, Writer, Composer, Pratt University:If I were 21 I would walk the earth. I would go barefoot longer; I'd learn how to throw a Frisbee, I'd go braless if I were a woman and I would wear no underwear if I were a man. I'd play cards and wear the same pair of jeans until they were so stiff they could get up and strut around the room by themselves. ... So don't take the short road. Fool around. Have fun. ... You're not going to get this time back. Don't panic and go to graduate school and law school. This nation has enough frightened, dissatisfied yuppies living in gated communities, driving S.U.V.'s and wondering where their youth went.
We need you to walk the earth, so that other nations can see the beauty of American youth, rather than seeing our young in combat fatigues behind the barrel of an M-16.
Start in Aruba. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 13, 2005 2:40 PM
"I would go barefoot longer; I'd learn how to throw a Frisbee, I'd go braless if I were a woman and I would wear no underwear if I were a man. I'd play cards..."
...and, in pre-American-fatigues Afghanistan, you'd be arrested and killed by the Taliban.
Posted by: Just John at June 13, 2005 2:56 PMthat's what we call a 'steaming pile of BS'.
Posted by: JonofAtlanta at June 13, 2005 3:02 PMI've got an idea for a reality show--take a half-dozen Marines and put them in a remote 3rd-world village for a month. Take a half-dozen of what this guy calls "the beauty of American youth" and put them in another remote 3rd-world village for a month. See which village's natives think more highly of America after the time is up...
Posted by: b at June 13, 2005 3:04 PMWoah man, like right on and all that. Groovy.
Posted by: at June 13, 2005 3:06 PMThis nation has enough frightened, dissatisfied yuppies living in gated communities, driving S.U.V.'s and wondering where their youth went.
We need you to mow their lawns, clean their pools, change their oil, and bag their groceries. Though you may have to put on some underwear and a clean pair of pants first.
Posted by: Shelton at June 13, 2005 3:52 PMMore boomer nostalgia. I would be surprised if kids who had to sit through that tripe, didn't get nauseated.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz at June 13, 2005 4:00 PMSounds like there might be a market for "60s Boomer Nostalgic Commencment Speech" Bingo game to go with the Tim Russert editiion.
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at June 13, 2005 4:08 PMDidn't Steve Jobs give a commencement speech recently telling the grads that they had just wasted 100K and five years of their lives and that they should go out now and invent something and get to work?
Posted by: Shelton at June 13, 2005 4:40 PMShelton: You might be thinking of this urban legend... http://www.snopes.com/quotes/ellison.htm
Posted by: Just John at June 13, 2005 5:05 PMMr. McBride, he sure has been busy. First this commencement speech and then beating Mike Tyson over the weekend.
Posted by: pchuck at June 13, 2005 5:28 PMApologies to Shelton: You're apparently correct; they had an article about that commencement address in Yahoo! (Assuming they weren't also being fooled...)
"We need you to mow their lawns, clean their pools, change their oil, and bag their groceries. Though you may have to put on some underwear and a clean pair of pants first."
No can do; some very nice people without legal documentation are doing all that instead. Right OJ?
Posted by: Just John at June 13, 2005 5:37 PMJJ:
If you're kid came home from college and told you he was working in a slaughterhouse you'd disown him.
Posted by: oj at June 13, 2005 5:46 PMCharles Reich lives! Somebody get me my beads.
Posted by: Peter B at June 13, 2005 5:56 PM-- This nation has enough frightened, dissatisfied yuppies living in gated communities, driving S.U.V.'s and wondering where their youth went.--
Well, everyone else got here before me, boomers.
Waahhhh! I'm the establishment!
Mr. Schwartz: When I was in school we laughed at these sort of speeches.
Loaf! Wander Aimlessly! Don't pay back those student loans!
Yeah, whatever.
Posted by: Mikey at June 14, 2005 11:55 AM"Learn how to throw a frisbee"? Is that some special skill unkown to us rat-racers?
OK. Here's frisbee throwing rule number one: avoid wearing ultra-stiff jeans and no underwear.
Posted by: Kevin Bowman at June 14, 2005 1:10 PMThis is actually good advice, but only for a certain narrow segment of the student body - the compulsive, nose-to-book 10% or so. (Depending on where one went to school - at mine, they might have made up 01% of the student body).
Having been grinds through high school and college, they could use a little down time, especially if they're not mad genius inventors, and are merely going to become administrators somewhere.
I've lived the kind of life that Mr. McBride espouses, and there are definite benefits to doing so...
Also some pretty large negatives.
For instance, you'll be quite poor, unless your parents want to support you.
Also, it's easy to fall into the habit of not having responsibilities, and to be a bit slow to get back to the real world.