December 28, 2004


Jobs forecast sees more 'help wanted' signs across US: According to economists and employment analysts, the job picture will be brighter next year. (Ron Scherer, 12/28/04, CS Monitor)

In Huntsville, Ala., a defense contractor is looking for computer whizzes who can help the company simulate weapons systems. A hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, will be hiring 30 to 40 doctors and another 250 nurses, technicians, and clerks to back up the new MDs. And in San Francisco an online auto insurance company plans to double its 550-person workforce next year and will be looking for claims adjusters and customer-service specialists.

These are just some of the "hot" employment areas where job applicants will find someone to read their résumés. And these companies are far from alone: According to economists and employment analysts, the job picture will be brighter next year. Already, job bulletin boards like are seeing an uptick in postings, with some cities experiencing significant jumps over last year.

Expectations are for the unemployment rate to fall from the current 5.4 percent to as low as 5 percent. More important, the economy could be creating up to 225,000 new jobs each month, more than enough to absorb the 125,000 workers who enter the labor force each month.

"It may be the best year since 2000 in terms of the general job market," predicts Mark Zandi of "There will rising labor force participation and fewer underemployed."

A growing economy is obviously good in itself, but even more important it makes radical reforms like those the President is proposing less frightening to people.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 28, 2004 9:11 AM

Agree - on a similar note with the Dow closing in on 11,000 and Nasdaq around 2,200 people should be less frightened with putting social security funds into the market.

Posted by: AWW at December 28, 2004 9:30 AM
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