December 22, 2004


Smallest baby born here: 8.6 ounces (JIM RITTER, December 22, 2004, Chicago Sun-Times)

No baby as tiny as 8.6 ounces had ever survived before Rumaisa Rahman was born Sept. 19.

U. of C. doctors excise 160-pound tumor from mom (LORI RACKL, December 22, 2004, Chicago Sun-Times)
Lucica Bungheze watched helplessly for years as the tumor on her back grew larger than she.

The 160-pound bundle of nerve cells and blood vessels -- some measuring as wide as a thumb -- threatened to kill the 47-year-old Romanian mother, who became so disabled she could barely walk.

Bungheze had almost given up when she saw a TV show depicting the plight of another woman -- a woman whose situation bore striking similarities. The Discovery Health Channel program chronicled University of Chicago physicians as they successfully removed a 200-pound tumor from Lori Hoogewind of Michigan.

Last year, the team of U. of C. doctors traveled to Romania to do the same for Bungheze. And now it's the Romanian woman's success story that will be broadcast on Discovery Health Channel. The program, titled "160-lb Tumor," will air several times over the next few weeks, starting tonight at 7 p.m.

To be a Democrat today is to believe that both are just clumps of cells.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 22, 2004 10:22 AM

Speaking of the Secular religion, isn't it funny that the Secularists now believe in the infusion of the soul, transforming the fetus into a baby, through the miracle, not just of birth, but of intended birth. It's not so much their religion I object to, but it's crudity.

Posted by: David Cohen at December 22, 2004 10:30 AM

Yep. The Secularist credo on abortion seems to be a rather frightening and literal belief that "You're nobody until somebody loves you."

Posted by: Popeye at December 22, 2004 10:59 AM

Then most conservatives are nobody, because few on the left love them.

Posted by: jim hamlen at December 22, 2004 12:00 PM


Yes, but perhaps it is best to leave them to their religion.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at December 22, 2004 3:18 PM

Jeff, they can have their religion but separation of church and state says that their places of worship must be removed from the government. The EPA, CIA, State, etc.. Wouldn't it be nice.

Only problem is that most of the worshipers are functionally unemployable and therefore The Great Society™ would have to be reinstated.

Come to think, most of the civil service employees used to be on welfare.

Oh well, put 'em in a ghetto and pay 'em to stay there. At least they won't be messing with real people's lives.

Posted by: Uncle Bill at December 22, 2004 4:20 PM

If only they wouldn't keep trying to impose their religion on the rest of us . . .

Posted by: David Cohen at December 22, 2004 4:31 PM