December 26, 2004
Believe it or not, they're all the same species (Robert Matthews, The Telegraph, December 26th, 2004)
It is one of the best-known stories in science: the evolution of mankind from ape-like creatures to modern humans via knuckle-grazing cave-dwellers. Now it has been blown apart by the first comprehensive study of all the fossils, which has revealed that they are probably all variants of Homo sapiens. [...]Posted by Peter Burnet at December 26, 2004 6:07 AMProfessor Maciej Henneberg, of the University of Adelaide, a world authority on fossil human anatomy, made the discovery after analysing the skull sizes and estimated body weights for all of the 200 identified specimens of human-like fossils known as hominims. These span the entire history of humans, from the emergence of so-called Australopithecines with an upright stance more than four million years ago to neolithic modern humans from around 10,000 years ago.
Prof Henneberg found that the fossils show clear evidence of evolution, with substantial increases in both skull sizes and body-weight. However, he also found that the fossils show no evidence of being anything other than a single species which had grown bigger and smarter over time. According to Prof Henneberg, the much-vaunted differences in fossil size used to identify "new" species all lie within the normal range expected for one species. [...]
Other authorities hailed Prof Henneberg's findings as a much-needed reality check. "Clearly there is a need to be more aware of the possibility of variation - but that is not the inclination today," said Geoffrey Harrison, emeritus professor of biological anthropology at the University of Oxford. "It has been a problem because the discoverers have usually put so much effort into finding the evidence, so they want it to be important".
Professor Chris Stringer, a leading expert on human fossils at the Natural History Museum, London, said even Neanderthals were not significantly different in skull or body size from modern humans. However, he added that they do differ in other details, such as inner ear bones.
He said: "The argument they are a different species is, of course, only a hypothesis, but comparisons of skull shape published recently certainly show they are as different from us as monkeys and apes are different from each other".
According to Prof Henneberg, there are fewer than 30 examples of Neanderthals on which to base any conclusions. What evidence there is, however, is consistent with Neanderthals being from the same species as modern humans.
He added that the never-ending announcements of new species said more about those making the claims than about human evolution. "The problem is there are far more palaeontologists than fossil specimens".
Blame it on the monolith. (Arthur Clarke's 2001)
Otherwise we would still be stupid Neanderthals living in harmony with nature. Just think how wonderful it would be. (Except, of course, for the lack of public housing to satisfy Jesse Jackson.)
Posted by: Randall Voth at December 26, 2004 8:26 AMRandall, don't forget public transportation.
Obviously the reason Neanderthals went extinct is they all wanted their own stone wheel to push around and refused to carpool.
They were replaced by the little known girlie-man-thals. No bones have been unearthed as yet, but we know they're out there someplace because we have large colonies of their progeny living right here in our midst. They go by the name of liberal democrats now.
Too bad the Cro-Magnums who look like they were some tough dudes didn't wipe them out way back then when removing threats to your community wasn't frowned upon.
It was always my understanding that the fossil record created more problems than it resolved as far as the natur;ists presumtpions regarding speciation are concerned. Apparantly readers of that record have always seen what they wanted to see in order to nbelieve what they wanted to believe. Luckily forthe true believers, the theory was never posited in such a way that repeatable experiments could be conducted so the theory could be verified or debunked beyond the level of microbes. The scientists mentioned above seem to be making a rather startling point which, alas, cannot be proven either although `the Darwinists will try to rationalize it away with nothing but conjecture, speculation, which is what they have always done. Fine, but stop calling it a disinterested search for verifiable, scientific truth.
Posted by: Tom C., Stamford, Ct. at December 26, 2004 9:11 AMThe real problem being exposed is the ambiguous definition of species. Paleontologists must necessarily rely on a morphological definition while Neo-Darwinists have moved on to an interbreeding unit behavioral model. The former has difficulties distinguishing varieties as discussed in this article, the latter is worthless for interpreting the fossil record since mating behavior is unknown.
Posted by: jd watson at December 26, 2004 5:15 PMIsn't the problem that fossilization is such a rare and random phenomenon that studying all of creation through the fossil record is like studying Americans by digging up the bones of three people who died sometime in the last 300 years?
Posted by: David Cohen at December 26, 2004 5:38 PMThis is nice, but what about the Bigfoots?
Posted by: carter at December 26, 2004 6:24 PMjd is about one-third right.
The definition of species was ambiguous until about 1940.
It is not any more, for living populations.
The discovery that, gasp!, fossil evidence is a lot less complete than we'd like is not worth 6 paragraphs in even such a worthless rag as The Telegraph.
As everyone already know, Neanderthal average brain sizes appear to have been somewhat larger than modern white people's (although measuring brain size from a skull is not as straightforward a job as most people might guess).
That widely separated, in time and space, fossils have been identified as different chronospecies is not surprising.
But paleontologists combine separated species when they get enough evidence, a well known habit this story fails -- dishonestly or ignorantly -- to mention.
Heidelburg Man, for example, no longer has his own branch.
This story is, to put it in a few words, silly garbage. That Orrin thinks it offers ammunition for his views only shows that he is not thinking clearly.
Even people who know no more about human evolution than they could get from reading the captions in National Geographic ought to remember that the dividing line between fossil humans and prehumans has always been controversial, Leakey arguing for Homo earlier than most of his contemporaries would have done, though since his death most have moved toward his position.
Posted by: Harry Eagar at December 27, 2004 8:12 PM