November 20, 2004
Members hot, cold on Dean (Hans Nichols, 11/18/04, The Hill)
Howard Dean is canvassing opinion among House members who supported his presidential ambitions — and key congressional leaders who did not — in a bid to take over as Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman.While some of Dean’s House champions said the former Vermont governor’s energy and success at grassroots politics and fundraising is precisely what the party needs to recover from its election losses, others are cool to the idea of the firebrand’s becoming the party’s official spokesman.
Many House Democrats said they thought a Dean chairmanship would drive the party further from the mainstream of American politics. That view was also shared by Republican lawmakers and strategists, who welcomed the prospect of Dean heading the Democratic Party.
Chuck Shumer taking over the Senate Campaign post, Dick Durbin Minority Whip, Nancy Pelosi as Minority Leader in the House, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton the leaders for the '08 nomination--Howard Dean as the official Party spokesman makes perfect sense. Posted by Orrin Judd at November 20, 2004 11:03 AM
Neither Kerry not Hillary will run in 08.
Posted by: at November 20, 2004 1:23 PMmeant "Kerry NOR Hillary." Sorry.
Posted by: at November 20, 2004 1:24 PMActually Kerry will definitely be running in the sense that he will put out feelers to see if anyone is interested. Gore will run regardless of whether anyone wants him.
What could Hillary be waiting for exactly? No doubt she will run if she wants to be President. (and I think she does)
Posted by: h-man at November 20, 2004 2:24 PMYes, Dean did get a segment of Democrats fired up during primary season.
But it turns out that after the Kerry nomination, the Dean campaign managed to get so few people to actually pull the lever for him, that it works out very close to $100/vote.
For a $100 bill, I might have voted for Dean myself (scream or no scream) at least in the primaries.
To paraphrase one web writer: so many youthful, excited Dean supporters seemed not to realize that leaving a comment on his website did not count as a vote.
Posted by: Charles at November 20, 2004 3:26 PMNo, in the end, neither Kerry, Hillary, nor Gore (Gore??!) will run. Put out "feelers," maybe. But run? No.
Posted by: at November 20, 2004 4:00 PMDean will not be the party spokesman. Absolutely not.
Posted by: at November 20, 2004 4:14 PMI find it difficult to believe that the Democrats will give up even the pretense of appealing to Red State America.
Posted by: Bart at November 20, 2004 6:25 PMDean was the more conservative candidate.
Posted by: J.H. at November 22, 2004 10:17 AM