October 23, 2004
Why More Blacks Support Bush This Year (Star Parker, 10/22/04, Scripps Howard)
According to two polls released over the week just passed, President Bush has picked up significant ground among black voters. A New York Times poll showed black support for the president at 17 percent. A poll of larger scope done by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, an organization specializing in studying black issues, showed 18 percent black support for Bush. Although black support at this level for Bush/ Cheney is still low, it nevertheless represents a doubling of the 8 percent of the black vote that the Republican ticket received in 2000.In a race that seems to be shaping up as a neck and neck horserace, it can make all the difference for the president to pick up an additional 9 percent of the black vote.
Although some have expressed surprise that the president is notably picking up new support among black voters, those who have been reading my columns over the last several months will be less astonished by these results. I have been writing that traditionally Democratic voters in the black church going community are becoming disillusioned with the Democratic Party and that, in particular, the gay marriage issue has become a focal point of that disillusionment.
The results of the Joint Center poll, which was an extensive survey of current black political attitudes, bear out my observations. Support for Kerry among black Christian conservatives is now 49 percent, 20 points lower than the 69 percent that Al Gore received from this group in 2000. Bush's support among this same group, now at 36 percent, is more than triple what he received in 2000.
Let my people go... Posted by Orrin Judd at October 23, 2004 1:53 PM
First Hawaii, and now black folks.
Posted by: AllenS at October 23, 2004 2:09 PMAnd Jews. Even if he doesn't win more on any of them he keeps Democrats preoccupied.
Posted by: oj at October 23, 2004 2:12 PMKerry down 20pts to Gore and Bush tripled? another sign of Bush blowout (assuming these are the actual voting totals).
Posted by: AWW at October 23, 2004 10:22 PM