August 17, 2004
US troop withdrawal accepted overseas: Plan reflects changing security needs, but critics charge unilateralism. (Jim Bencivenga, 8/17/04,
Note the subhead of this piece? He says that as if they were different. Of course the Europeans would rather we stay there and provide their security. As their welfare systems consume more and more of their budgets, the prospect of also funding any kind of serious military becomes too daunting to contemplate. So we have to act unilaterally. Think of it as Welfare Reform for the Euros--as the great Senator Phil Gramm said of that much needed step, "It's time for the folks who have been riding in the wagon to get out and help pull." Or at least for us to leave their wagon behind.
Posted by Orrin Judd at August 17, 2004 6:04 PMWelfare reform for the Germans! With the Soviet Union gone, the only reason the Germans have for wanting us to keep 70,000 troops there is the money it brings in.
Isn't it time that the EU leaders grew up and provided for their own defense?
Posted by: Tully at August 17, 2004 7:54 PMDrudge is now reporting that Kerry will, at his VFW speech tomorrow, criticize this announcement and advocate leaving **all** the troops in Germany and Korea as a means of shoring up our alliances. How's that for a winning issue? I'm beginning to agree with Orrin that this is the worst run campaign ever.
Posted by: jd watson at August 17, 2004 8:00 PMSo the Senator IS for outsourcing some jobs.
Posted by: Sandy P at August 17, 2004 8:40 PMJD -
If true, that will be the WORST mistake of his entire campaign (as of yet), and that's saying quite a lot.
Posted by: Andrew X at August 17, 2004 9:09 PMAssuming it ever gets reported:
doubleplusungood refs unevents.
doubleplusungood refs unpolicies.
doubleplusungood refs unspeech.